Saturday, September 15, 2007

Starting more projects than I can finish

Its 8:10 and dark in Portland. Fall is coming, my favorite time of year. I miss the long days of summer when it stays light until 10 - it would be ideal for getting projects done.

I went to bed early last night so that I could get up with the crack of dawn & start working on the house now that the initial shock has wore off. Early turned into ~2am somehow.. Crack of dawn mysteriously became 1pm - just in time to watch the Gators beat Tennessee! So much for my full day of projects.

I have double hung windows in the house. This means that the bottom sash (there's a vocabulary word for you - what we call window is more specifically referred to as a sash. I realize that isn't completely clear, I will find a clever illustration later). Having double hung windows, the top sash should be able to slide down, and the bottom sash should be able to slide up. Each sash is counterweighted with a pulley and large steel sash weight.

I spent $104 last night at Home Depot on my way home and bought the fixins to start restoring the windows (and a machete ). I picked a window on the side of the house to begin on and started prying off the trim that covers the window frame. Approximately an hour and 2 beers on a ladder later, the trim is off the house and sitting in the driveway covered in paint stripper. Lord knows how many layers of paint are on there and peeling off snake skin style.. Time to start fresh.

The windows will have to wait until tomorrow - I don't want to leave a gaping hole in the side of the house over night. Tomorrow, I'll take apart the cracked window in my bedroom & bring it to a glass shop to replace. I need to buy glazing compound too.

I also had some fun hacking away at the blackberry bushes in the backyard with the new machete. Its a big machete. Very big. Very sharp. Very fun. Lawn clippings and vegetation is now composting in the back corner of the lot.

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